同格の that は内容説明
He left the place with a singular feeling that the man he had just interviewed had much to tell him, but no intention of telling it.(The Trembling of a Leaf by W. Somerset Maugham)
He left the place/(前置詞の前)with a singular feeling/(接続詞の前)that the man he had just interviewed/(長い主部の後)had much to tell him,/(コンマの後)but no intention of telling it.
He left the place
with a singular feeling
奇妙な感触をもちながら(with = 〜をもって)
that the man he had just interviewed
彼がいま話をした男は(the man と he の間に関係代名詞が省略されています。he had just interviewed が the man を後ろから説明しています。that の用法については「速読の鉄則」参照↓)
had much to tell him,
自分に告げるべきことがたくさんある(had の主部は上の行の the man he had just interviewed です)
but no intention of telling it.
名詞の後に that があると、関係代名詞だと思いがちですが、実は同格の that の場合があります。
同格の that の例文:There’s no evidence that the dog is alive.→ その犬が生きているという証拠はない。
この例文のように、前の名詞(evidence)の「内容」を説明するのが同格の that の働きです。「〜という」という言葉で名詞につなげることができます。
a singular feeling that the man he had just interviewed had much to tell him, but no intention of telling it
a singular feeling ← that the man he had just interviewed had much to tell him, but no intention of telling it
that 以下の少し長い語句が a singular feeling の内容になっています。that 以下の語句が a singular feeling(奇妙な感触)を詳しく説明しているわけです。